Interview with Brain Health Expert, Aneesh Chaudhry

Ashley Nestler, MSW
5 min readJul 2, 2020



Aneesh Chaudhry is the founder of
SoulPhysio Lifestyle, a brain health clinic and integrative healthcare network
that specializes in treatments that combine both Eastern and Western Medical
techniques. Chaudhry holds a bachelor’s degree in Neuropsychology from Wright State University and a personal training license through the Cooper Institute.
In addition, he holds a number of other mental and physical health
certifications including accreditation as a Reiki Master, a Mind-Body
Specialist, a Brain Health Coach, and a Performance Nutrition Specialist.
Chaudhry is on track to be a licensed Ayurvedic and Integrative Medicine
Practitioner in 2022 and following this, he plans to pursue a PhD in Physiology and Health.

For More Information, Visit:

An Interview with Aneesh

1) What are your tips for protecting our mental health following the COVID-19 pandemic?

Most importantly, our health and wellbeing needs to be our number one priority above all else in life. Making our health a priority is the first step towards making changes to improve our wellbeing. Just the act of prioritizing wellness and scheduling it into our daily routine has a positive effect on our mental health. Most people are used to keeping some kind of schedule or to do list to stay organized on a daily basis. Activities such as going for a walk, going to the gym, cooking food, and meditating all need to be prioritized and scheduled along with all of our other tasks. Taking action towards improving our health daily, no matter how small, creates positive changes in the brain that will ultimately lead to us reaching our goals and making wellness a lifestyle.

2) What are some signs we should look for to determine if COVID-19 has impacted our mental health?

COVID-19 has been a significant and traumatic event for everybody in their own unique ways. The brain processes and holds onto this trauma, which has an adverse effect on how we are able to function on a daily basis. For example, one fear most people have amidst the pandemic is going out in public and catching the virus. This has resulted from the Stay at Home Order and the heightened awareness that everybody has had during this prolonged period of time.

A major sign that this is affecting us in a negative way is when we are still in fear of being in public places after it has been deemed safe to be out in public
again. One major change that will benefit all of us going forward is to adhere
to safety recommendations, but do not live in a state of fear around leaving
the house and being a part of society again. This constant fear creates stress
in the mind and body that has a negative impact on our health over the long

3) What are some tips that we can try at home to improve our mental and physical health during this time?

Two of the most important activities that will have a profound impact on physical and mental health that can be done at home are exercise and meditation. Exercise can take the form of any type of movement including walking, running, yoga, body weight exercises, pilates, and more. Our body is a great form of resistance when utilized in a safe way. We do not need a gym filled with equipment in order to engage our body to reap the immense benefits of exercise. It is very important that we aim to get 20–30 minutes of movement per day at a minimum.

Meditation can be thought of as the equivalent to lifting weights for the brain. There is a lot of research that shows that meditation increases blood flow to the brain helping to create the growth of new brain tissue. There are many different types of meditation out in the world today, which can be very overwhelming. For a complete beginner, a simple meditation practice involves finding a quiet room and sitting upright with the eyes closed for 5 minutes at a time. This will be very difficult as the mind wanders to all kinds of different thoughts. The key is to use the breath as an anchor and focal point to bring the attention back to as the mind wanders. Practice makes perfect!!

4) What are some activities we can do with kids to improve their mental and physical health?

Children are ultimately a direct mirror of the behavior exuded by their parents. Having a conscious awareness of one’s own health is going to have a very strong impact on our kids. Making wellness a family activity increases incentive and accountability for parents to make healthy changes as well. This can be as simple as going for a walk daily with our children and spending a few minutes a day to explain to them the significance of how going for a walk impacts their health in a positive way.

Another great way to make wellness a family activity is through cooking a meal together as a family, and then sitting down together to eat after cooking without any devices at the table. Having kids do simple tasks such as stirring food on a pot, chopping veggies, retrieving items from the fridge, and reading the recipes are all easy ways to get them involved. This then creates a positive
association in their brain about the importance of cooking healthy meals and
eating together as a family.

5) What are your five tips for boosting brain health?

1. Brain Healthy Nutrition- Cooking fresh food daily based in fresh
fruits and vegetables to help nourish the body and give it sustainable

2. Meditation- Daily meditation increases blood flow to the brain to
help spark the growth of new brain tissue. Who doesn’t want a bigger and more
active brain?!

3. Movement- Move your body for 20–30 minutes a day minimum. Regular
movement increases circulation and helps rid the body of unnecessary toxins
that cause inflammation, which is the basis of many different chronic diseases.

4. Journaling- This is a great tool to help process emotions and
create awareness around negative thoughts that wreak havoc on the mind.
Consistent negative thoughts typically have some underlying cause, which can be addressed via journaling.

5. Community- We are a byproduct of those we surround ourselves with.
It is important to keep people around us that value their health, care for our
health and wellbeing, and we can call on in times of need.



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